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Independent Student Rentals:
A Brief History

Hello everybody! I am a recent graduate of SUNY Oneonta who has always been interested in investing in real estate, and was looking to buy an investment property to rent out to students. My main concern was being able to find tenants for my house. I was worried that my house would never get seen by students and that it would sit vacant. That's why I thought there should be a website that represents the little guys like me, who own houses independently and don't have a company representing them. I also thought there should be a website that is easily available to students so that they can find other housing options. When I was looking for off campus housing my sophomore year, I had no idea there were even other options besides the big rental companies here in town.


If you search websites like or rentcollegepads to search for student housing, you will quickly realize that large rental companies often dominate the search results. As a result, independent landlords who have beautiful houses are often overlooked and missed out on by students who are searching for housing. It would be great to consider all options, including houses owned by independent investors, when searching for student housing.

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Our website will also be found via posters in: 

  • Hunt Union

  • Fitzelle

  • Alumni Field House

  • Chase Gym

  • Fine Arts Center

  • Hodgdon IRC

  • Human Ecology

  • Mills Dining Hall

  • Milne Library

  • Perna Science

  • Physical Science

  • Schumacher Hall

  • Wilsbach Dining Hall

Off campus student rentals
Student rentals oneonta
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